Jeen ku

Jeen Ku is an art/design studio run by Praejeen Kunawong, a visual artist/designer with a background in fashion and textile design. She is originally from Bangkok, Thailand. Thus far, She has spent about 3 years in Helsinki exploring her life path while embracing Finnish culture and nature.

Color is an art/design element that fascinated her a lot. In each work, the combination of colors resonates and complements her identity, especially throughout the illustration. She enjoys combining her fondness for creating illustrations and textiles together.

Currently based in Helsinki,

︎Textile Design

︎The Dyers
︎Never-ending Winter

︎ Fashion Design

︎Sirivannavari BKK
︎Another Side
︎Behind the aesthetics

︎ Illustration

︎Jeen Ku x Aessen
︎Personal Illustration Project
︎Fashion Illustration


︎Jeen Ku x
︎Jeen Ku x Flower Matter


︎ Kinship, HKI
︎ Dialogues, NYC

︎Other Projects

︎ Kitsch Kitch
︎ Stick and Poke Tattooing
︎ Street Art
Internship at Latimmier


Sirivannavari BKK


Almost three years of experience being an assistant fashion designer in a luxury Thai fashion brand, Sirivannavari, taught me how to deal with unexpected situations. My responsibilities included managing design production and various design tasks.