Jeen ku

Jeen Ku is an art/design studio run by Praejeen Kunawong, a visual artist/designer with a background in fashion and textile design. She is originally from Bangkok, Thailand. Thus far, She has spent about 3 years in Helsinki exploring her life path while embracing Finnish culture and nature.

Color is an art/design element that fascinated her a lot. In each work, the combination of colors resonates and complements her identity, especially throughout the illustration. She enjoys combining her fondness for creating illustrations and textiles together.

Currently based in Helsinki,

︎Textile Design

︎The Dyers
︎Never-ending Winter

︎ Fashion Design

︎Sirivannavari BKK
︎Another Side
︎Behind the aesthetics

︎ Illustration

︎Jeen Ku x Aessen
︎Personal Illustration Project
︎Fashion Illustration


︎Jeen Ku x
︎Jeen Ku x Flower Matter


︎ Kinship, HKI
︎ Dialogues, NYC

︎Other Projects

︎ Kitsch Kitch
︎ Stick and Poke Tattooing
︎ Street Art
Internship at Latimmier


Another side

ISAN textile project

Developing the Isan Indigo textile pattern (Northeastern Thai fabric) to be more creative and contemporary is the objective of the project. The Silhouette and technique of the designs are inspired by Christo and Jeanne Claude's arts.

Mood board

Experimental details

